Sylvio Cator used the Olympics to seek justice decades before Tommie Smith and John Carlos

Yes, Let Us Have Peace. But…

The Living History of Juneteenth, Our Next National Holiday

As BLM Goes Global, It’s Building on Centuries of Black Internationalist Struggle


Racism has always driven U.S. policy toward Haiti

From Martin Luther King Jr.’s Assassination to the Charleston Massacre, the Reactionary Right Has Used Madness as an Excuse for Violence

Tar Heels, Alive

@X: Making America White 200 Years Ago


Talking about mass shootings involves silence about American history

Soul and ice: finding P.K. Subban’s Nashville

“Americans Have Carried American Hatred”: Black Intellectuals, Imperialism and Policing

François Duvalier and the Misuse of Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Black Intellectual Tradition and the Myth of Objectivity

Finding Toussaint L’Ouverture in Tennessee

Revolution and Repression: A Framework for African American History

Reconstruction, Power, and the Personal


“Civilization in the Highest?”

Sylvio Cator: Haiti’s Olympian

O.J. Simpson, Ex-Colored Man

White Folks and Christians in Haiti